Biden Ups Fed Share Of Emergency Housing Funds

President Joe Biden issued an executive order Thursday that increases the percentage of funding the federal government will provide when emergency officials provide housing to people during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The order, issued on Biden’s second day in office, increases the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s share of the costs from 75 percent to 100 percent when providing emergency housing during the pandemic.

Previously, states or cities would have to pay whatever the federal government did not cover.

The change was recommended by the National Low Income Housing Coalition, which had issued a report that said “the resources needed to keep people experiencing homelessness afe during the public health emergency exceed the response capabilities of state and local governments and warrant the full force and support of the federal government.

The NLIHC applauded the executive order, which is in effect through September 30.

“GREAT news! President (Biden) makes funding for non-congregate sheltering of people who are homeless 100% reimbursable! Currently FEMA pays 75% & states/cities have to pay rest (& often can’t). We’ve pushed for this for 10 months,” Coalition President and CEO Diane Yentel Tweeted.

“Woah, missed this. (Biden) just made funding for non-congregate homeless shelters 100% reimbursable. Until now, states & local govs have had to meet 25% cost-sharing with FEMA. This means more at-risk homeless folks off streets and in healthy housing,” Tweeted Sawyer Hackett, senior advisor to San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro.