Lenders May Have To Scale Back To Survive

Lenders May Have To Scale Back To Survive

By SCOTT KIMBLER Since early 2022 officials at the Federal Reserve have been raising interest rates as a means of combatting inflation but the trickle-down effect is making life hard for the lending industry. More specifically for non-bank lenders. This is according to financial experts and industry observers such as Dr. Rohan Ganduri of Emory…

Economist: Build Back Better Will Put Downward Pressure on Housing Prices

Economist: Build Back Better Will Put Downward Pressure on Housing Prices

By SCOTT KIMBLER The House version of President Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan includes about $170 billion for affordable housing and people are asking what that means. Biden’s spending plan includes $65 billion to preserve and rebuild public housing and another $15 billion to help build or preserve more than 150,000 rental properties for lower-income families. It’s part…

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