
HUD Announces $455M In Housing Grants

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development announced $450 million in housing block grants to support affordable housing, as well as another $5 million for Native Hawaiians.

The Indian Housing Block Grants will be used to help Tribes carry out affordable housing activities to protect the safety and health of their Tribal members and communities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The list of tribes receiving the grants can be found here.

Indian Housing Block Grants pay for housing development, operation and maintenance, modernization of existing housing, housing services to eligible families and individuals, housing management services, crime prevention and safety activities, and model activities that provide creative approaches to solving affordable housing problems in Indian Country.

“With the enactment of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, President Biden is making a clear statement that the Federal Government is committed to ensuring equitable access to communities hardest hit by the pandemic,” HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge said. “HUD understands the significance of our responsibility to serve American Indian and Alaska Native families, and the Department is dedicated to working in a government-to-government manner with Tribes to quickly bring much-needed relief to Tribal communities.”

Like the Indian Housing Block Grants, the Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grants will be used to address the housing needs of low-income Native Hawaiian families impacted by COVID-19.

“With funding from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, HUD is working expeditiously to help the Native Hawaiian community respond to COVID-19,” HUD Deputy Assistant Secretary Heidi Frechette said. “HUD is proud of our special partnership with DHHL. Together, we will meet this moment and provide relief to families in need as we work to end this crisis.”